Well, the daylight has come up in Indiana and there are some pretty amazing pictures of damage throughout the state. What adds to the amazement is that nobody was killed and injuries look to be minor.
I do want to mention that an 18 year old was hit by lightning in the Spice Run area on Kokomo's west side yesterday evening. I am unaware of his condition but wish him the very best.
Kokomo and Howard County seemed to dodge most of the heavy stuff. We had a 2-3 inches of rain in a very short period along with wind gusts 35 to 50 MPH. Severe reports of a lowered cloud base with rotation were reported but no tornadoes in Howard County. A funnel cloud was reported around 8:20 PM near Russiaville.
Tim Bath of the Kokomo Tribune got this photo around 580 W and Hwy 26. You can read the accompanying article in the Kokomo Tribune about the storms here.
Personally I was out at spotting at one half mile south of Hwy 22 on 975 West. Greg W. and myself were unable to visibly observe much at our location. It was rather calm for the most part until the heavy winds and rains came forcing us to drive back toward Kokomo. At that point we drove into a short burst of 1/2" hail. We ended up relocating to Western High School as the weather had passed.
The eastern Howard County spotters were following a lowered cloud base with some rotation. It spud up again and caused some damage in Grant County.
Channel 18 Meteorologist Mark Prangley has an account of events with photos and a video on his blog. Take a few minutes to give a look at it here.
I hope everyone realizes how lucky we are and take a few minutes to make sure their safety plan for severe weather would have worked if a tornado was spotted on the ground. Needless to say everyone's plan should include a weather radio. Go get one today if you don't have one already.
Next week already looks to be busy with the Storm Prediction Center showing Indiana with 3 days (Monday, Tuesday, Friday) being shown under risk for severe weather already.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Storms - A Daylight Report
Posted by
8:40 AM
Friday, May 30, 2008
It looks like we made it...
Some severe weather remains in southern Indiana but it looks to be all but over. We had some severe weather pass by and a couple of wall clouds with rotation were spotted but no funnels. A couple of tornado sightings in Carroll County but no injuries or significant damage reported.
Overall not much to report.
Posted by
11:15 PM
Strong Storms Predicted
The severe threat continues across our area. The sun should initiate instability in the atmosphere today. Currently the most severe weather looks to be in the 8 pm to midnight area for Kokomo and Howard County.
Lift Index of -5+ and MLCAPE values approaching 2000 J/kg are highest during that time. Straight line winds with hail of 1/2"+ are likely. Embedded tornadoes are are possible. (Don't forget to look for the inflow notch you arm chair radar watchers.) The system looks linear (squall line) but isolated supercells are also a real possibility. More later...
Posted by
12:51 PM
Moderate Risk Expanded
The moderate risk area has expanded covering most of Indiana with the exceptions of a few areas along the Ohio River. A large tornado watch box has been issued already this morning along the outflow boundary in Illinois. This includes Chicago.
Posted by
8:56 AM
Moderate/Slight Risk for Severe Weather
A moderate/slight risk is in effect for our area today. Yesterday's system which produced 55 tornado reports across KS, IA and NE will be over IL and IN today. Locally severe weather should begin after 4 PM and be going strong after 6 PM through much of the overnight. Strong damaging winds are the primary thread with cloud to ground lightning.
Extra caution should be exercised for those with outside activities today and particularly this evening. More updates as the day progresses...
Posted by
7:30 AM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Day 2 Moderate Risk Upgrade
Today has been upgraded to high risk to our east and for us we have been upgraded to a moderate risk for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be an important day to be aware of the weather situation.
Posted by
1:34 PM
Severe Weather Threat
The SPC and forecast models are agreement that Indiana along with portions of the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes areas could see severe weather on Friday with some lingering threat on Saturday. Severe weather parameters have cape values 1000 to 2000 J/kg and a lifted indexes ranging from -3.5 to -6. With dew points 60+ and temperatures 70+, everything is looking like Kokomo will get in on this action.
Posted by
4:53 AM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Severe Weather Possible Friday into Saturday
Severe weather looks very possible across much of Indiana starting Friday afternoon into early Saturday morning. The forecast models show widespread thunderstorms possible all through overnight. Clearly 2008 is on pace to set number record for tornadoes and deaths. While it has been a quiet severe weather season, we did have 3 deaths already in Indiana this year back in January. You should be aware of the weather on Friday and don't get caught by surprise.
Posted by
8:12 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Ends Without a Bang...
It looks like the severe weather never even got a start in Indiana today. The latest update from the SPC has scaled way back the slight risk area. Indiana is far east of the areas they mention.
Some light rain and cooler temperatures will be in effect for tomorrow.
Posted by
9:51 PM
Later Afternoon Update
The slight risk remains but it looks pretty weak. I would almost think we would not see a slight risk if this system didn't produce so much severe weather (& devastation) yesterday. I think the cloud deck has kept the severe weather from forming over our area.
Posted by
4:55 PM
Rain Moving In & Severe Weather Update
For the Howard County area, there has been no significant changes to the forecast. Severe weather chances increase for Kokomo later in the afternoon. The more severe is staying back out in the central plains.
Posted by
12:56 PM
GET PREPARED! (Severe Weather on Memorial Day Possible)
Without a doubt you need to be prepared for severe weather including tornadoes. This has been an active week across the Midwest and Plain states and there have been numerous fatalities. Yesterday (Sunday) has 7 or 8 known fatalities. You owe it to yourself and your family to be prepared. Simply put preparedness begins with a weather radio. Go get one and learn to use it.
A special note to those in charge of outside activities. You need to have a well defined plan in case of severe weather and don't hesitate to make smart decisions. Communicate that plan with everyone involved. A smart decision is to be prepared, follow the forecasts and pay extra attention on days with any risk for severe weather in Indiana. If you don't have a place of safety for everyone, then don't hesitate to cancel releasing people with a sense of urgency and ample time to seek safety on their own.
Today in Indiana: It looks like the huge outbreak yesterday to our west used a lot of energy which will keep our area a little quieter than first expected. One should still expect some severe weather possibilities with warm temperatures, high dew points, and a falling barometer. Expect a day full of updates.
Posted by
8:20 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Race Day Forecast
It still looks to be good weather for the Indianapolis 500. I am slightly concerned about the late afternoon with some possible thunderstorms moving in to the state. I doubt if will affect the race but it might affect the drive home.
Sunday night and Monday could bring some severe weather to the state. It is part of the system which has been wreaking havoc over states to our west.
Posted by
10:00 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
The NWS now has an 80% forecast for rain today. It is put a huge damper on activities today at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It looks like practice will be short and useless.
It is cool and overcast today and will be hot and sunny on race day. A total of 189 laps were run so far.
Posted by
12:55 PM
Wet Start To Friday
The NWS had spent most of the week not calling for any precipitation for today and then slowly added a small chance. This morning they have a 50% chance in the forecast and by looking outdoors I can see it is a 100% chance. *phooey*
The rain is moving along a line from Kankakee, IL to Larwenceburg, IN and are moving to the southeast. It looks like the light shower activity will be delaying activities at the motor speedway today too. (At least race day still looks sunny and clear.)
Posted by
7:14 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend Forecast
We have had several sunny days and they have been warm with the nights cooling off. It looks to be a wonderful weekend. The Indianapolis 500 will run Sunday under perfect weather.
Severe weather has been happening for several days in the plain states and will roll over to Indiana late Monday evening into Tuesday. Given the strength of the recent storms and how long this one has been talked about will make this one to watch.
Have a great and safe weekend.
Posted by
10:24 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Weekend...
It looks like chances of rain are possible both Saturday and Sunday. As of this morning, I experienced a few sprinkles on my way to the track. While it did look more ominous an hour ago here at the motor speedway, it now seems to be better but still overcast with a low ceiling of clouds.
A general risk for thunderstorms is in effect for today with small hail and damaging winds the likely threats.
Next week looks like several days have chances for rain and thunderstorms.
Posted by
10:32 AM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
No, the blog isn't dead...
I promise you that the blog is alive and well along with my passion about the weather. The interesting weather have been everywhere but Indiana. A composite map of SPC Storm Reports made by some weather buffs south of Indianapolis clearly shows a bubble of protection in regards to severe weather. That isn't to suggest I am (or we are) hoping for severe weather, destruction, or fatalities but some interesting clouds during the daylight would be nice to see once and a while. It is getting kinda boring around here.

Posted by
9:52 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Stormy Wednesday and Thursday
You can expect some non severe thunderstorms Wednesday and Thursday. Some heavy rains could occur but otherwise the forecast seems to lack a real threat.
Posted by
11:22 PM
Quiet Weather Pattern
Springtime and severe weather go hand in hand in Indiana. So far Indiana has been spared any real significant severe weather this season. The number of tornadoes is up for the nation but down in Indiana. Off the top of my head, I think the 2008 Indiana count for tornadoes is three or four. April which is a month known for tornado outbreaks in Indiana didn't see a single one.
This weeks will finish with widespread severe weather but Indiana will only see a small ripple effect and the current forecasts from the SPC don't have us under any of the slight risks (yet).
The best news is Friday-Sunday look great for those at the track with some possible scattered showers on Sunday.
Have a great Tuesday and go vote!
Posted by
7:18 AM
Friday, May 2, 2008
Tornado Watch Issued
It looks like the most severe weather is going north of us. A tornado watch has been issued until 2 AM for counties north including Cass, Miami, and Grant. Some additional thunderstorms are in central and southern Indiana and looks to be about 1 to 2 hours away.
Posted by
9:17 PM
Thunderstorms Friday & Friday Night
Strong severe thunderstorms are very likely across much of the Mississippi Valley to portions of the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes. The morning is starting with thunderstorm watches and tornado watches just west of the Mississippi river.
Some isolated thunderstorms are already firing this morning ahead of the watch areas including in Indiana. Some of these have received warning boxes from the NWS.
The heat and moisture has already made it here. Previous severe weather risks were hindered by the lack of both and never could really get going. I think this will be different today so stay tuned...
Posted by
6:15 AM