Well, the daylight has come up in Indiana and there are some pretty amazing pictures of damage throughout the state. What adds to the amazement is that nobody was killed and injuries look to be minor.
I do want to mention that an 18 year old was hit by lightning in the Spice Run area on Kokomo's west side yesterday evening. I am unaware of his condition but wish him the very best.
Kokomo and Howard County seemed to dodge most of the heavy stuff. We had a 2-3 inches of rain in a very short period along with wind gusts 35 to 50 MPH. Severe reports of a lowered cloud base with rotation were reported but no tornadoes in Howard County. A funnel cloud was reported around 8:20 PM near Russiaville.
Tim Bath of the Kokomo Tribune got this photo around 580 W and Hwy 26. You can read the accompanying article in the Kokomo Tribune about the storms here.
Personally I was out at spotting at one half mile south of Hwy 22 on 975 West. Greg W. and myself were unable to visibly observe much at our location. It was rather calm for the most part until the heavy winds and rains came forcing us to drive back toward Kokomo. At that point we drove into a short burst of 1/2" hail. We ended up relocating to Western High School as the weather had passed.
The eastern Howard County spotters were following a lowered cloud base with some rotation. It spud up again and caused some damage in Grant County.
Channel 18 Meteorologist Mark Prangley has an account of events with photos and a video on his blog. Take a few minutes to give a look at it here.
I hope everyone realizes how lucky we are and take a few minutes to make sure their safety plan for severe weather would have worked if a tornado was spotted on the ground. Needless to say everyone's plan should include a weather radio. Go get one today if you don't have one already.
Next week already looks to be busy with the Storm Prediction Center showing Indiana with 3 days (Monday, Tuesday, Friday) being shown under risk for severe weather already.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Storms - A Daylight Report
Posted by
8:40 AM
I used to live in Spice Run. Do you have anymore information about the 18-year old? My prayers are with him/her and their family.....
No mre information and the newspaper was silent about it today (Sunday) too.
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