Let's look back at November first. The Indianapolis NWS did a nice write up but even the most casual weather observer knows that November was warm and dry. The many days with an above normal temperature allowed people complete outdoor chores and to continue to enjoy outdoor activities.
We averaged about three to four degrees above normal. The high of 73 came early on 11/8 and we dropped to 28 on 11/12. (Last year we dropped to 14 on 11/22.)
The warm weather was accompanied by sunshine much of the time. Only about half as much rain as normal fell for November. While there were some observation of snow flakes mixed in with the rain over the Thanksgiving holiday, I am declaring November to be snow free. I don't consider anything less than a trace amount to even count.

December does look to start out cooler with temperatures falling to seasonal later this week and it looks like lows will dip into the teen by the middle of the month. Our first snow this week will be light and stay around an inch. I do feel rather confident that there will be a two hour delay for the county schools in the area. The snow will fall mainly after 2 AM lasting up until the normal start of school. The previous rain will freeze on some surfaces too including bridges and sidewalks. I think that combination and with this being the first hazardous conditions of the season, administrators will error on the side of caution and delay school. (If this were later into the season and we had a few snows under our belt, I might not be as confident.)

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