Friday, January 15, 2010

The Joke's On You!

Since it looks like a rather dull weekend weather wise other than some fog overnight into Saturday and some rain on Sunday, I figure I should jump back on the previous post talking about the January 31st blizzard.

Yeah, I said blizzard and sometime around January 31st/February 1st. There are a lot of reason to like the idea of this storm. Many of the long range forecasters who talk in teleconnections and other scientific mumbo jumbo have long targeted this time for a major potential storm.

Both the GFS and Euro show this storm system.

Accuweather meteorologist Joe Bastardi mentions the cold and some very interesting analogs when comparing
El Niño previous years to this one. See his video here -

There seems like a lot of support for a storm. Many, many people who are much smarter than me are calling this system to be much like the classic blizzards we saw in the late 70's. Remember those?
So while cannot say we will get hit from this system, I think someone will get pummeled with snow from this system.

What do I suggest for now? Let's keep watching and hoping.

I will come back and revisit this Sunday and let you know what everyone is thinking. It is going to be a long month. (By the way I am tracking something for next week too but not nearly as sexy. Expect an update on Sunday too.)

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