Yes, a quake was felt this morning all across central Indiana. it lasted about 20 to 30 seconds according to what I can figure out. (It woke both my wife and myself plus the dog.)
It looks like West Salem, IL was the center and is rated at a 5.4.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Earthquake Hits Central Indiana
Posted by
5:50 AM
We also felt it in Tipton and heard reports from friends that felt it in Greenfield and Franklin. It was strong enough to rattle everything on our dresser and wake my husband, myself, and our youngest child.
I live 1 mile north of Whitestown and felt it. This is the first earthquake I have ever felt and I am glad someone has posted about it, or else I might have thought it was something wrong with me!
I live in Washington, IN and felt it as well. Very weird and scary. My two year old thought so too. My golden retriever has been bugging me all night long - think she knew something was wrong?
I was sitting up doing school work down at Purdue University in West Lafayette when I felt it (a few minutes ago). It wasn't strong enough to wake anyone, but it did give me a start! I wasn't sure if it was an earthquake at first, like Chairiste here said, I'm a little glad it wasn't just sleep deprivation :-\
I live in Bloomington Indiana and felt the earthquake. It woke me up out of bed this morning.
We live outside of Lafayette and felt it at 5:38 this morning. I've been online trying to determine how strong it was rated. As Suzanne posted, "It was strong enough to rattle everything on our dresser." I lived in Seattle a few years back and experienced a 6.8 earthquake and thank God, this wasn't anything close to that! Just like that one, though, it happened early morning at about the same time. What a way to wake up in the morning!
Cheryl Fletcher
Lafayette, IN
I live in Kokomo and felt the quake. I woke up first because my cats and birds were going crazy. I heard a roaring then my bed started shaking. It woke my whole family and these are people who sleep through loud thunderstorms.
I've always known Indiana "rocked", but it was really "rockin" this morning!
I live in Lebanon and was having a hard time getting to sleep so I was up and let me tell you, it was an interesting experience, though not my first earthquake experienced in Indiana. One of the worst though! I could feel the entire house shifting under me and it was loud enough that I thought a freight train was going down the street in front of the house!
The last "big one" I was in was when I lived in the southern part of the State and the fridge "walked" half way across the kitchen with that one! That was back in the early '80's I think.
The strangest feeling is when you are outside and the earth literally moves under your feet and you're standing still!
The news on the radio is saying the epicenter was in Evansville.
So much for inactive fault lines, eh!
I Live on kokomo and felt the shake, I woke up when my bed started shaking. My Mother and I thought it was the wind at first. Well, at least I know what happened now.
iBook (The owner of and iBook's Cool Technology Show)
And you thought this was going to be a boring week for blogging?? :) hehe...
Indiana always has something exciting happening to Blog about, especially if it has anything to do with the weather. Seismic activity IS something more unusual for us though.
I was doing a little reading about the fault lines that are in this section of the country and seems several millennium ago the New Madrid Fault was as active as the California fault lines are now. Seems the New Madrid and the Wabash Valley Faults have awakened from their slumber. Not so sure I like that, but not much we can do when Mother Earth needs to stretch!
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